[sumo] Sumo’s newest yokozuna is all smiles — but major challenges await - The Japan Times

R. Brown brownro214 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 08:25:59 EST 2025

In normal times he most certainly would not have been promoted, but with
Terunofuji retiring and the London tour coming up the JSA desperately
wanted a yokozuna to carry the flag.  While they may be sacrificing
Hoshoryu's future career, it is less important than saving face in the
immediate future.  After the "criticism"  over Konishki's non-promotion the
YDC went hard on Takanohana delaying his promotion until he did get the two
consecutive cups despite already having 5.  Kisenosato was promoted with
only one cup though he did have several runners-up that same year, but with
the Mongolians taking over we so needed a Japanese yokozuna.  We got one,
he won the next basho and began a downward slide leading to early
retirement.  (He has turned out to be a great coach.)

How will it go with Hoshoryu we will see?  I hope he has turned the corner
with his game and will have several years as the 74th yokozuna.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 7:56 AM Jeffrey Anderson <jpaitv at gmail.com> wrote:

> https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2025/01/29/sumo/hoshoryu-yokozuna-promotion/
> I agree 100%! Way too early for a promotion to yokozuna. What say you?
> Gaijingai
> Sent from my iPhone
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